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Research Directions

At ENS, work has progressed in game semantics and in the investigation of Boudol's calculus of resources.

Game semantics. A key interest of game semantics is that it provides a framework within which one may conciliate dynamic and static aspects of meaning. It is expected that such semantics can help in complexity theory on the one hand and in extending denotational semantics to model concurrent and distributed languages (so-called process-calculi).

In [DHR96], V. Danos, H. Herbelin and L. Regnier explain the operational side of the two game models of Hyland-Ong (HO) and Abramsky-Jagadeesan-Malacaria (AJM) in terms of abstract machines. Building on this explanation, an embedding of the AJM model in the HO model is given that leads to aneasy proof of completeness for the former.
In [BDER97], P. Baillot, V. Danos, T. Ehrhard and L. Regnier adapt the AJM construction to give the first known games model which encompasses all of classical linear logic. Composition of strategies is recast as a communication process. The exponential part of the model is based on the idea of sticking to strategies which contain all possible encodings of copy-tags. This works is pursued in [BDER97b], which gives an explicit transformation that goes from that linear logic games model to the traditional relational model. This concrete extensional collapse helps in understanding what games semantics is good to.

In [CuBoeh] P.-L. Curien presents a formalism of trees with pointers, called abstract Böhm trees, that provide a suitable abstract framework in which various cut-free proofs or normal terms of several $\lambda$-calculus based languages (including $\mbox{PCF}$ and Parigot's $\lambda\mu$-calculus) can be faithfully encoded. A simple abstract machine allows us to compute over abstract Böhm trees. This machine is closely related to Coquand's interaction sequences and debates. The execution over finite abstract Böhm trees always terminates. We introduce an abstract notion of type that fits the purpose of guaranteeing that the execution cannot go into deadlock, i.e., that it always reaches a satisfactory final state. The operational aspects of (untyped) Böhm trees are investigated in more depth in [CuHer96], a joint paper by P.-L. Curien and H. Herbelin,

Calculus with resources ($\lambda_r$). C. Lavatelli has been working on the definition of an algebraic semantics of $\lambda_r$ based on approximants, in the flat scenario (where both abstractions and deadlock are observable), which turns out to be sound. Work in progress concerns completeness. The aim is to use these results as intermediate steps in the characterization of the flat semantics through an intersection type system. Another work in progress, by C. Lavatelli and P.-L. Curien, concerns the use of techniques of logical relations to compare the inequational theories of two models of $\lambda_r$ that have arisen naturally when trying to give a semantics to $\lambda_r$.

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